Manage DNS Zone

DNS Management becomes fundamental if you want to add other services to your domain name instead of our services. DNS Management required including adding subdomains, email management and even domain verification from Google.

Enter DNS Management

  1. Go to Home >> Domain Section >> Zone Editor

2. You can add A Record, CNAME, MX or even DNSSEC to meet your needs

3. If you add from the shortcut, you can view the modal like this,
fill up your domain or subdomain and add records and Click Add An {A,CNAME,MX} Record.

Detail Management

If you add zone record which is not found in shortcut, press manage and you will see like this in your zone editor. In this example, we will add txt record. We want to add TXT record, press Add Record.

You can add domain Record and now solved.

Remark: One thing is if you are working with sub-domain, you can only update A,CNAME and MX. Verification is required on your domain name. Top level domain name like .com,.net, .org can be bought in our Domain Page