Change Subdomain – CPanel

Subdomain is a branch of domain name that is used to add separate contents. When subdomain is wrongly configured or you would like to change the domain name according to your likelihood. You can change the following way.

Changing Subdomain name is not possible so far but pointing new domain name to old folder can be done easily.

Delete Current subdomain

The domain section under Cpanel
  1. select Subdomains under Domains Section
  2. remove subdomain
  3. The question will be asked and choose delete Domain. Success message will appear.

This progress will delete the old subdomain but not underlying folder under it.

Recreate the new subdomain

Go to Domain Section and Choose Subdomain or if you are currently subdomain page. Press Create new Subdomain.

  1. Add New Subdomain name. e.g. New Domain
  2. Choose folder to old folder name. e.g
  3. Press Create

Don’t forget to update your dns to redirect back to New subdomain otherwise they will see the server default page.